Monday, July 27, 2009

Week 6 PLN

I would like to have a google earth aerial view of my PLN journey. I wonder how often I'm going in circles and how many bunny trails I'm traveling. Part of my angst is that I am so destination oriented. I like to have a place to arrive and plan the best route to get the appointed time. The PLN is a journey. I'm not getting there fast enough and I can't "see" the best route or my final destination.

I had two good stopping off points this week. 1) I finally read through all the unread posts of the class (150+). Thanks for the encouragement in your posts and words of wisdom. Some led to additions to my PLN. (I wish I could remember to whom I should give credit.) I added three blogs to follow: ICT in the Classroom, Steve Spangler, and Successful Teaching. I continue to check in at Classroom 2.0 for the latest posts. I have not found an efficient method to keep up with this site yet. Any suggestions? For those who follow Globe, they are having a virtual meeting this week. I also found a site with 5000+ demos, many of them are science related. 2) I started my moodle course learning all sorts of how to's with the instructor using voicethread. I have two weeks to set up three moodles.

My twitter was silent for the week. I set up a Diigo account which needs some serious organization. I purchased Mathematica from as a visualization tool. This, too, will have a large learning curve for me and I plan to take advantage of webinars to learn how to use it.

This week's assignment was challenging. It was good to try out so many tools and determine what works. I plan to stick with screencast-o-matic, slideshare, and voicethread. Screencast will be very helpful for students who miss class. Voicethread has great potential to for a discussion of the material. I have yet to work out getting those posted on youtube. It may be a user name/password issue.

Back to the journey...


  1. I love your description of your (our) journey through this class. "Bunny Trails" is exactly the way it seems that I have been learning. Hopefully the meandering path will help us to be better teachers - or at least teachers with better tools.

  2. Anda memeriksa, dan dia bertaruh 2/3 pot. Putuskan untuk sekadar menelepon, dan melihat apakah sungai itu adalah Raja yang lain. Jika demikian, Anda akan mendorong semuanya, berharap dia memanggil. Jika tidak, Anda akan membuat taruhan kecil, dan berharap dia menaikkan
