Sunday, July 19, 2009

Week 5 PLN Reflection

My PLN progress has improved exponentially over the last couple of days. (It helps to spend hours in cyberspace.) I participated in a live Classroom 2.0 Elluminate session yesterday. I emailed the moderator of the session and found she teaches a course on developing a moodle wiki(free). The class starts tomorrow and I have a sandbox to develop my classes using moodle and elluminate. I'm scratching the idea of using facebook as the classroom tool.

After listening to two beginner wiki sessions in Classroom 2.0 by Sue Waters, I have found her advice and teaching helpful in understanding the Web 2.0 world and developing a PLN. I am now connecting with other educators in Classroom 2.0 and Learn Central.

With classes starting in three weeks, I believe the abundance of quality materials flowing in from this class and following the aforementioned nings and blogs will be more than enough for a PLN. Time and experience will lead me in new directions in the future.


  1. Hi Patti, How is Learn Central? The home page gives me no idea at all on the content. I do like classroom 2.0 but don't really want to register again unless you think it is that good. I am developing a wiki for class as well. I am going to use PBworks, but of course I need time only to zone in on that. I know what you mean about hours in cyberspace. I do better when I can devote about 4 hours straight. I get in the groove and accomplish tons. Let me know about the Learn Central.

  2. I don't know the full capabilities of Learn Central. I am using it to follow an instructor of Moodle and Elluminate who teaches a course every Saturday.

    It looks like you can set up a room to chat live (free service) with one or two colleagues or students if needed.

  3. I attended a Learn Central online training today. They are held several times a week. It seems to have great potential as a PLN and a place to mentor or tutor.
